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Distance Healing With Reiki: Can it Be Done & is it Effective?

Distance Healing With Reiki: Can it Be Done & is it Effective?

INSIDE: Heard of distance healing with Reiki and you’re wondering if it actually works? Let’s talk about it! You might be surprised what you learn.

Allison was in a lot of pain. She had been feeling terrible for the past few days, and her aches were becoming unbearable. Today they were getting worse. Her head pounded as she tried to focus on anything but the overwhelming agony that was coursing through her body.

Sitting in silence felt like torture when all she wanted to do was scream out loud at how much pain she was in, but it seemed pointless since no one could hear or help her anyway.

As she lay curled up on the couch, the stabbing pains kept coming, she begged the Universe for help.

Have you ever felt this way?

Now, let’s talk about Marisa, who had a really rough time. She struggled with depression and didn’t want to deal with the side effects of medication. It wasn't until she discovered distance healing with reiki that she was able to start feeling better about her life.

Believe it or not, the same thing that helped Marisa’s depression could also help Allison’s pain. A distance Reiki healing session can start you on your path to wellness.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient healing technique that has been used for centuries. It's a form of energy medicine and the word “Reiki” comes from two Japanese words meaning “Universal Life Energy.”

Reiki practitioners often use their hands-on skills to deliver this life force energy to others in order to promote health and wellness. But what if you can't be present with someone? That's where distance healing with Reiki comes in!

Can Reiki Be Done Long Distance?

Reiki has been around since 1922 and it’s based on Eastern philosophy and religion. One of the best things about Reiki is that you don’t have to be physically present with someone in order for them to receive it.

Distance therapy sessions are just as effective because they use thought power, which can transmit thoughts across space and time.

Reiki is a form of universal energy, which we can all connect to. It can be given to someone through someone's hands. When that happens, a person might feel the warmth coming from the practitioner’s hands. They may also feel a tingling sensation.

However, sometimes Reiki energy is very subtle, and no physical sensations are felt at all. Reiki is very individual to each practitioner and each patient. At times, the person receiving Reiki may just feel relaxed and calm as they are receiving healing energy, but that doesn’t mean the healing energy isn’t going to work.

This is often how it feels when you receive distance healing with Reiki.

Rather than just sending universal healing energy, a Reiki practitioner sends healing energy that is specific and has a lot of intention behind it. It has been used by healers for centuries, so it is very powerful and impactful.

A healer who is attuned to the Reiki frequency can send a strong healing current from anywhere in the world to help their patient feel better.

How Do Practitioners Send Healing Energy Long Distance?

We can feel that everything is made of energy. Our thoughts and feelings can shift the energy around us. When we think about something, it changes the nature of that thing. So, at a very basic level of physics, we are affecting our environment with our thoughts and feelings constantly.

That’s why our thoughts and feelings can be used to send healing energy simply by using our imagination. We’re all doing it all the time anyway; we’ve just been convinced by society that it’s impossible.

These positive feelings created by imagination will envision sending healing energy to another person. You might see this healing energy as white light.

You can picture the person being surrounded in healing light, as a feeling of peace and ease washes over them. Perhaps you imagine a smile coming to their face as they glow in beautiful, white light.

The most important thing is that your intention is strong and pure. If you believe that you are able to send healing energy, then the energy current is strong.

And in the case of Reiki, you’ll need to be attuned to the energy by a Reiki Master in order to perform a distance Reiki healing session on others.

Benefits of Remote Reiki Healing

There are many reasons to try distance healing with Reiki. Let’s talk about some of my favorites…

It is Sooooooo Convenient

What can be easier than receiving healing energy without having to leave your house? Instead of having to schedule a time, drive to your practitioner, and spend 30-60 minutes laying on a table, you can just go about your business, doing life as normal.

Of course, if you are the kind of person who likes to tune into the distance Reiki session, you can do that as well. I always let my clients choose the time when I will do their session so that they can rest or meditate during that time if they choose to.

It’s Budget-Friendly

I don’t know about other Reiki Masters, but I charge lower fees for my distance Reiki sessions than I do for in-person sessions since it is much more convenient for me as well. So, you can save money by going the remote route.

It’s Just as Effective as Hands-On Reiki

Reiki is just as effective as hands-on Reiki. Energy doesn’t care where you are; it works the same whether you’re in the same room or even if you were on different planets.

It Can Address Physical, Mental & Emotional Pain

Distance healing with Reiki isn’t limited as far as what it can help with. If you have physical pain, you’re likely to get some relief with Reiki. If you suffer from anxiety, emotional trauma, or any other issue that affects the mind, body, and spirit, Reiki can help.

It Can Be Used Alongside Traditional Medicine

Reiki has also been shown to reduce pain for some patients who have tried it before or during surgery.

If you're looking for an alternative way to improve your health and well-being, then consider trying out distance healing. You might find it's just what you need!

Loretta had what she thought was a sprained wrist after she experienced so much pain after falling on it. When she went to the doctor, though, he told her it wasn't a sprain; it was actually broken, and he told her she would need surgery.

Even though reiki wasn't her first choice, she decided to give it a try because she had heard friends say good things about it.

The Reiki therapist guided her into a meditative state and shared her reiki frequency with Loretta in order to reduce her pain during surgery and let the healing energy do its job.

After the Reiki session, the pain had subsided significantly, and she felt no anxiety about the surgery because of how well Reiki had helped her.

How Long Does it Take for Reiki to Work?

The length of time it takes to feel the benefits of distance healing with Reiki can be very different for each person. For some people, it will work right away, and they might notice changes in their mood or pain level in just a few minutes.

This is because Reiki energy can work on the physical, emotional, and mental levels. In other cases, Reiki might take a bit longer to have an effect as Reiki energy is a gentle, subtle energy that tends to be more gradual than other forms of healing.

For example, Reiki may not change the pain level of a chronic condition that has been around for years but can complement other treatments in order to improve the symptoms and speed up the recovery process.

Final Thoughts

If you are looking for a way to reduce pain during surgery, Reiki distance healing might be right for you. Even if Reiki isn't your first choice, it's worth giving it a try because of how effective and convenient this form of energy work is.

In my energy healing work, I do distance healing with Reiki, but I also use other modalities as well. I use Vibralite Healing, which combines sound and light frequencies, light codes, color therapy, crystalline energy, and sacred geometry. I also use PEMF technology in my healing sessions.

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* The information provided here is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read my full disclaimer notice here. This content may contain affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here.

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