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Can Energy Be Transformed? Let's Learn How to Turn Negative Energy Into Positive Energy

Can Energy Be Transformed? Let's Learn How to Turn Negative Energy Into Positive Energy

INSIDE: If you're asking the question, "Can energy be transformed?" you probably already know the answer, but you want to know how to turn negative energy into positive energy. Here's how I did it. 

When shitty things happen, it's easy to go into a state of depression. That was my go-to reaction for many years. Well, actually it would start with anger and then turn into depression. 

Take this morning, for example.

Well, let me give you some background info first...

A few weeks ago, we noticed that our freezer in the garage wasn't really cutting it anymore. Stuff just didn't feel as frozen, but things like ground beef still felt solid. 

It was yet another thing in a long line of expenses that had come up over the past six months. Every month, we were spending $1000-$2000 on things that kept cropping up and it felt like it would be impossible to ever get ahead.

Needless to say, even knowing what I know and being in the profession I'm in, I was frustrated and wanted to know how to change my energy.

So, we bought a new freezer, and let me tell you, I love that thing. It's a huge upright freezer and once I got all the food loaded in there, I would literally just stand in front of it and smile.

I had built up probably about $3000+ of food that was all neatly stacked and organized in there, and it made me happy. With the food shortages that we are having, I loved having all of that food as a backup, and it wasn't easy to get it.

So, What Does That Have To Do With Transforming Energy?

And that brings us to this morning...

As I went out to get in my car, the door into the garage slammed into something. When I noticed that it was the freezer door, my heart sank. 

Yup, one of our teenage kids hadn't closed it all the way and everything in there was now warm since it had been open all night.

So, what did I do? I had a sobbing session for about an hour and started to feel so depressed. This was the last thing we needed.

Plus, I seem to have had some kind of attachment to that food. I think it gave me a sense of security and satisfaction that had now been erased, on top of the sickness I felt in my stomach over wasting all of that money... and all of that food.

I Discovered First Hand How to Change Your Energy Vibration

After a couple hours of spiraling into some really negative thoughts and thinking, "What's even the point of all of this?" I felt this calling to do some inner work.

I have felt that calling many times in my life, and honestly, I don't always listen.

Sometimes, all you want to do is wallow in the crap you have landed in, right? Or making the effort to change your energy can just feel like too much work. And other times, you don't even know where to begin.

But today, I decided that wasn't going to get us anywhere. So here's what I did...

  1. I gave myself permission to take a mental health day off of work. I'm my own boss, so I just had to get to a point where I was okay with taking time off. Since I wasn't very effective in my current state, it seemed like the best option.
  2. I smudged the whole house. I knew I needed to get some positive energy flowing in our lives and it felt like a good place to start. I opened up the windows and let the smoke carry away the negative energy we were living in.
  3. I restarted a feng shui course that I had taken before about bringing prosperity into your life. It has short, daily lessons, so I did lesson #1.
  4. I restarted some other short little courses like that (ones that I had bought but hadn't even gotten past day one or two).
  5. I felt like my body needed to move, so I did a 5 minute Body Groove video (an online exercise dance class).
  6. I did a guided meditation from one of those courses. 
  7. I did a little bit of journaling from those courses.
  8. Then, I felt my body calling me to get some sun, so I read Creating Money by Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer in the sun for a half hour. (Sun is one of the best ways to recharge your batteries. As long as you do it in moderation, it is sooooo good for you.)

When You Change Your Energy, Your Perspective Changes

And let me tell you, I feel incredible. All of that only took about two hours, but it completely transformed my day (and I have a feeling, my future, as well).

Here's where my thinking is now...

  • Maybe this was the Universe actually doing us a favor. What if the food in the freezer was already bad when I loaded it into this new freezer? When our other freezer wasn't working, there was no way to really know if all the food was okay. My son had a "stomach bug" a few days ago, but what if it was actually food poisoning? 
  • Fresh starts always lead to good things. Sure, we have to throw out all of that food, but who knows how long some of it had been in there, and maybe it was just better to have a nice clean start.
  • This could teach me about attachment. As I mentioned above, I had a definite attachment to having all of that food. After doing all of that inner work, losing it kind of felt like a cleansing. 
  • It got me to get off my butt and do the inner work I knew I should be doing. Before today, I had been putting off doing all of that kind of beautiful inner work. Even though I love it, I just felt like there wasn't enough time in the day. This was surely a message that I have to make the time.

So, you see. Life really is all about perspective. I could have continued down the path of misery and depression, and my day would have sucked and I'd probably be attracting more negative stuff my way.

Instead, I actually feel like this was a good thing. I'm not mad at my stepson, who feels terrible by the way. And I feel like I am back in the saddle of positive, forward motion. I can feel our luck changing already.

Sometimes, even as a wellness and spiritual coach, you can know how to guide your clients, but when it comes down to using the skills in your own life, it's not always as easy. I'll be the first to admit, I'm not perfect.

Yes, I've changed my energy vibration many times in the past, but in situations like these, it wasn't an easy thing for me. Today, I really enjoyed discovering how to turn negative energy into positive energy at a time when it would have normally been difficult for me.

And I hope I inspire you to do the same :)

* The information provided here is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read my full disclaimer notice here. This content may contain affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here.

1 Comment
Kathy W
Posted on  07/14/2022 05:21 PM Wow! Very informative & inspiring! What a shift for you & ultimately your whole household. I’m going to make a conscious effort when hit with “life’s shit” to pause, pull up this blog & transform my energy!
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