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Mind-Body-Spirit Simplified Blog

Customize your health and spirituality journey so you can feel rejuvenated in body, mind, and spirit.

Why You Don’t Need High-Impact Exercise For A Great Workout

Why You Don’t Need High-Impact Exercise For A Great Workout

INSIDE: We don’t all want to sweat our butts off while exercising & that can cause us to skip it. High impact exercises aren’t always necessary.

When we think about getting the best possible workout, we usually think it has to be a lot of high-impact, high-intensity exercise.

Sure, the kinds of workouts that the phrase “no pain, no gain” was created for can be pretty effective.

But not everyone is physically capable of withstanding that level of exercise (nor do they want to deal with all of the sweat and effort that comes with it). And in most cases, that means they simply won’t exercise at all.

Fortunately, you don’t need high-impact workouts to become healthier and lose weight, and when you choose exercises you enjoy, you’ll actually do them!

4 Low-Impact Exercises for a Great Workout

Here are some really great, low-impact workouts that are also incredibly effective…


If there’s a candidate for “best possible workout,” then it would probably be swimming. There are few other forms of exercise that work out every single part of your body at once.

Not only that but it’s low-impact enough that just about anyone can benefit from a swimming workout.

However intense you want your workout to be, you’re likely to find yourself getting a seriously good workout. Swimming is also one of the best workouts for helping you stay focused and relaxed, making it a great way to take your mind off other things in your life at the same time.


One thing that tends to shock people about yoga is how effective and intense of a workout it can be.

On the outside, yoga can appear to be easy; therefore, people often make the mistake of assuming it won’t provide that much of a workout.

However, anyone who’s ever spent time on yoga mats trying to hold some of the poses will tell you just how wrong that is.

Yoga is a fantastic way to increase core strength and it provides a surprisingly intense cardio workout. It’s not just a matter of making yourself more flexible and listening to ambient music.

Here are some tips on how to fit more yoga into your life.


Walking is a fantastic workout, but it’s often something that people take for granted and they end up forgetting just what a fantastic workout it can be.

If you’re looking for a way to keep fit that doesn’t put too much stress on your body while still helping you stay active, then a daily walk is the perfect thing for you.

The great thing is that you can vary up your workout easily just by changing up your environment. If you’re looking for something relaxing, take a gentle walk on flat ground, but if you want to make things a bit more intense, walk on more difficult terrain.


Pilates is one of the best workouts for the body even though it is low impact. Like yoga, it strengthens the core while also providing a full-body workout.

And the really great thing about pilates is that you can squeeze small amounts of it in throughout the day. If you don’t have time for a full workout or just prefer small workouts, this is a great option for you.

Final Thoughts

Far too many people base their workout routines on what other people are doing or approve of. The reality is that exercise is personal and specific to your own set of needs and circumstances.

Whatever your workout is, if it’s something that works for you and that you enjoy, then you don’t have to worry about anything else. After all, there’s nothing worse than a workout that makes you feel completely miserable every moment you spend doing it!

* The information provided here is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read my full disclaimer notice here. This content may contain affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here.

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